auch reiche immigranten haben probleme und sind frustriert

#1 von Maxim Pouska , 11.12.2012 15:51


das wird euch kaum beruhigen - so lange ihr auf die neuen formulare und bedingungen für das working holiday visa wartet.

eine story über investoren mit millionen, die auch warten und frustriert sind.

zitate aus dem artikel

"... Applications frozen
The Immigrant Investor Program, which has been criticized as a way for people to buy their way into this country without contributing much to the national economy, has been in bureaucratic limbo since an overhaul was announced earlier this year.

No new applications have been accepted since July 1 and won't be until further notice. ..."

" ... Applications frozen
The Immigrant Investor Program, which has been criticized as a way for people to buy their way into this country without contributing much to the national economy, has been in bureaucratic limbo since an overhaul was announced earlier this year.

No new applications have been accepted since July 1 and won't be until further notice. ... "

nur mal so gepostet, damit ihr seht, ihr seit nicht alleine frustriert.

hoffen wir das beste für mitte Januar.

Bonne chance

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Maxim Pouska
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