Hallo Reisende.
ich habe bei der neuseeländischen Einwanderungsbehörde das WorkingHoliday - Visum beantragt. Alles ausgefüllt bekam ich eine Bestätigung (auf meinem Account auf der Seite der Behörde) wo drin steht. Application received.
Nach 24 Stunden bekam ich ne weiter Nachricht auf meinem Acc mit einem evisa als Anhang. Heruntergeladen und gespeichert.
Sieht so aus:
Client number:
Dear "Name"
Work visa under a Working Holiday Scheme
I am pleased to inform you that your application for a work visa under a Working Holiday Scheme has been approved.
Your work visa
Details of your work visa are at the bottom of this letter. You must print a copy and present it to a Customs officer when you enter New Zealand . Your work visa enables you to travel to and enter New Zealand before 24/01/2015.
Your working holiday will activate on the first day you enter New Zealand . You should therefore travel to New Zealand only when you are ready to start your working holiday.
You must leave New Zealand before your work visa expires. However, if you wish to extend your stay in New Zealand you may apply for another type of temporary visa or for residence, if eligible. If you were granted a work visa for 12 months under the United Kingdom Working Holiday Scheme, you may apply for the balance of 11 months under this scheme. To find out more on the options available, please visit our website.
Travel conditions
The travel conditions (listed at the end of this message) on your visa allow you to re-enter New Zealand multiple times after first entry.
Terms and conditions of your work visa
It is important that you read the terms and conditions on your work visa carefully as well as the instructions below.
You must show details of your work visa to a customs officer when you first arrive (and when you wish to re-enter New Zealand )
You must have evidence of funds for your maintenance in New Zealand and if you do not have an onward or return ticket, evidence of further funds for the purchase of this ticket.
You may also be asked to provide evidence of any other conditions that you were required to meet as part of the working holiday scheme under which you submitted your application.
Liability for deportation and appeal rights
It is your responsibility to remain on a valid visa at all times. If you remain in New Zealand after your visa has expired, you will become unlawful and will be liable for deportation. If you have grounds to appeal and wish to appeal against your liability for deportation, you may appeal on humanitarian grounds no later than 42 days after first becoming unlawful in New Zealand , to the Immigration and Protection Tribunal (the Tribunal). Further information on how to lodge an appeal to the Tribunal are available at the Tribunal's website www.justice.govt.nz/tribunals.
If you are deported from New Zealand you may be subject to a period of prohibition from re-entering New Zealand . A person who has been deported cannot return to New Zealand until they have repaid any costs relating to their deportation.
If you become unlawful and depart New Zealand voluntarily before being served with a deportation order you will not be subject to a period of prohibition, however your immigration history will be taken into account in any future visa applications.
Your passport details
Your passport details will be checked when you arrive in New Zealand . They must be the same details you provided on your online application.
Employment in New Zealand
When you find a job in New Zealand, you must show your work visa to your employer as evidence that you have permission to work in New Zealand .
We have put together a list of websites with information on employment opportunities, travel planning and entertainment to help you plan your working holiday. We may also e-mail you with information on temporary employment opportunities in New Zealand .
Minimum work rights in New Zealand
We have put together some information explaining your minimum work rights and what to do and where to go if you need further information or assistance, particularly in terms of employment and immigration matters. You can find this information at www.immigration.govt.nz/workrights. The information is available in Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Tagalog, Hindi, Spanish, and Japanese.
You can find more information on New Zealand minimum employment rights at www.dol.govt.nz/er/minimumrights/ .
Contact us
If you have any queries about your work visa, please telephone our Immigration Contact Centre in New Zealand on +64 9 914 4100 or your nearest Immigration New Zealand branch. You can also contact us online and quote the client number recorded at the top of this letter.
This document contains important information. Please keep it in a safe place for your future reference.
Yours sincerely,
Working Holiday Team
These details reflect the electronic record held by Immigration New Zealand . Any attempt to alter this document and use it may put your immigration status at risk. It is an offence under the Immigration Act 2009 to use a document that you know has been altered.
Electronic work visa granted under Section 28 of the Immigration Act 2009.
Type of application: Working Holiday Scheme
Start Date: 24 January 2014
Client Number:
First Entry Before: The work visa allows the holder to enter New Zealand before 24/01/2015.
Details of the person to whom this work visa has been granted and to whom the conditions below apply:
Terms and conditions:
Visa valid for further travel for 12 month(s) from first arrival. This visa expires 12 month(s) after first arrival. When entering NZ, stay is subject to grant of entry permission. You must leave New Zealand before the expiry of your visa or face deportation. Return/onward ticket not required. The holder may work as part of a Working Holiday Scheme in any employment but may not work for the same employer for more than 3 months. The holder shall not study for more than 3 months in any 12 month period.
Das sollte jetzt die Berechtigung für die Einreise sein oder? Das eigentliche Visa bekomm ich ja in NZ?
Das Visum ist ja ein Jahr nach Austellung gültig um einzureisen. In meinem Fall bis zum 24. Jänner 2015. Wenn ich, sagen wir am 10 Jänner 2015 einreise, kann ich mich ab diesem Datum bis 10 Jänner 2016 in NZ aufhalten richtig?
Danke für eventuelle Antworten, Daniel
Beiträge: | 6 |
Registriert am: | 25.01.2014 |
Ja, das ist dein Visum. Musst du bei der Einreise dann vorzeigen und du bekommst einen Stempel in deinen Reisepass. Ab dem Zeitpunkt darfst du dich dann 1Jahr in Neuseeland aufhalten ;).
Also das Ding am besten Ausdrucken, brauchst du nämlich auch, wenn du dich auf einen Job bewirbst.
Beiträge: | 35 |
Registriert am: | 10.10.2013 |
Aso danke :) dachte ich bekomme das visum auf meinen e-mial acc zugeschickt. Das entscheidende wird wohl die Kundennummer sein?
Beiträge: | 6 |
Registriert am: | 25.01.2014 |
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